
The Talent House, Toronto, ON M5H 2N3, Canada

Business Contact Information
  • Location
    The Talent House
  • Address
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Website
  • Contact Person
Contact form
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Project/s Location/s


Project/s Description/s

Provide support to Sikh students in Canada to pursue their academic goals. We will provide this with direct mentorship and monetary supplements for Sikh students that have demonstrated a strong academic and community involvement. We will be providing a $2000 scholarship in our inaugural year for a student that has demonstrated leadership in their community, strong academic standing and a pursuit of higher education. We will be providing ongoing mentorship for the accepted recipient. Please submit your CV and a letter of interest to Sikhsforsuccess@gmail.com. Students eligible will are in their final year of high school applying to a College or University program. Deadline is July 29th 2020.

Admin Information
  • Registered Charity
  • Place of Registration
  • Budget
  • Donations Accepted
  • Members